Send transactions
<-- Send a document
Receive Transactions -->

Send transactions

This functionality is available for organization users and users that have the ‘send for organizations’ role.

Send Transaction overview

This page shows an overview of all send transactions (outgoing transactions) for the organization(s) linked to your account.

The table shows the following data:

  • Sent on: The date and time (in UTC) that the transaction was created
  • Sender: The Peppol identifier that sent the document
  • Receiver: The peppol identifier the document was sent to
  • Type: The type of the document
  • ID: The identifier of the document (if any). For invoices, this is the invoice ID.
  • Status: The current state of the transaction.
  • Delete: click this button to remove the entire transaction, and all associated data, including the document, receipt, and logs, from ion-AP.

Status can be one of the following:

  • Queued: The transaction has been prepared, and is queued for sending
  • Sending: The transaction is currently being sent
  • Sent: The transaction has succesfully completed, and the document has been sent
  • Deferred: The transaction failed, but will be attempted again later
  • Error: There was a fatal error, the document has not been sent.

When you click on a transaction, you will be taken to the transaction details page.

Send transaction details

This page shows extended details for a transaction, including full system log messages and the option to download the original document, SBDH or receipt (if sending was succesful).

The table shows the following fields:

  • Sent on: The date and time (in UTC) that the transaction was created
  • Transaction: The full identifier of the transaction itself, automatically generated
  • Sender: The Peppol identifier that sent the document
  • Receiver: The peppol identifier the document was sent to
  • Type: The type of the document
  • ID: The identifier of the document (if any). For invoices, this is the invoice ID.
  • Status: The current state of the transaction.
  • Document type: The full Busdox document type identifier, based on either the SBDH, or the document itself, its (UBL) versionm, and its Customization ID
  • Process: The business process for this transactions, based on either the SBDH or the ProfileID value of the document
  • Sender service provider: The Peppol Seat ID of the sending service provider.
  • Receiver service provider: The Peppol Seat ID of the receiving service provider.

You also have a number of buttons here:

  • Download document: Click to download the XML document that was sent with this transaction
  • Download SBDH: Click to download the full SBDH document that was sent with this transaction
  • Delete: click this button to remove the entire transaction, and all associated data, including the document, receipt, and logs, from ion-AP.

Finally, there is a full view of all log entries related to this transaction. These can be used to verify that the transaction was sent, where it was sent, or what happened if it wasn’t.